Jubilee Presbyterian, Stayner

7320 HWY 26,



Dear Church Family:

October has arrived.  Lucy Maud Montgomery wrote, “I am so glad that I live in a world with Octobers”, and, Nova Bier said, “October’s poplars are flaming torches lighting the way to winter”.  October gives off cozy vibes of sweaters, blankets and all things pumpkin-spiced, yet, it is also a signal that the busier time of the church year is at hand.  Worldwide Communion Sunday leads to Thanksgiving, Reformation Sunday, our church Anniversary, and Remembrance Sunday, and, before we know it, Advent and Christmas have arrived. 

            As fall sets in, most of our church groups are active again which is also great news.  However, in the midst of the busy, may we not lose sight of what matters most – finding our delight in God through Sabbath worship and Sabbath rest.  If you feel yourself growing weary, remember the ways of the one who said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”  Together, as God’s people may we model the workings of the Master – rest when we need it, service when we are called, and, in this season of grace and gratitude, may we give thanks in all things through Christ our Lord, Amen.       


From the Board of Managers:

            It takes a lot of work to keep a church in good order.  The Board of Managers has recently reviewed a list of activities undertaken by a “Church Officer” in the past.  Some of those duties have been taken on by others, while there are still a few jobs that require additional volunteer help.    The Board is looking for volunteers to take on some or all of these duties.  A list of the necessary activities is posted on the bulletin board in a sign-up sheet format.  Volunteers can indicate where they are willing to help, and for how long.  Assistance would be greatly appreciated. 


Coffee Party Ministry

            Our monthly Coffee Party Ministry continues the last Wednesday of the month.  July and August brought out good numbers and a great time of socializing and fun.  September saw a drop in numbers, but, the laughter was there!  Keep the dates posted on your calendars, watch the bulletin and invite a friend.  Upcoming parties are on:  October 25, November 29 and the December date will be yet to be determined in light of the holiday season. 


Anniversary Sunday

            Sunday November 5th, 2023 will be the 164th Anniversary service for Jubilee!  This will also be the Sunday that we commemorate Remembrance Sunday – giving thanks to those who sacrificed for our freedom.  The Session of Jubilee has requested that a special designated Anniversary Offering for 2023 be sent to “Out of the Cold Collingwood”.  We are tremendously fortunate in that we have committed an annual donation to the program in Collingwood.  However, this past summer, as government grants from covid were being clawed back from charities, Out of the Cold ran into financial strain.  But, by God’s grace and blessings, another local charity was able to step in and provide funding to the program to keep it going.  Our committed annual support, and, now our anniversary offering will help to ensure that we are continuing to play a part in alleviating poverty at a time when there is a significant housing crisis, and, economic inflation and the cost of living continues to rise dramatically. 



            The Women’s Missionary and Outreach Society has resumed study, activity and ministry within the church.  At their September meeting, the discussion topic was Crieff Hills, a retreat center owned by the PCC in Punslich, Ontario.  This was part of a series of studies on missions of the PCC including Presbyterians Sharing, Canada Food Grains Bank, Evangel Hall and Scott Mission. 

            The October meeting, scheduled for Wednesday October 18th at 1:30pm.  This meeting will focus on alleviating poverty.  The group has been challenged to observe significant ways homelessness and poverty are seen locally.  Speak to Elaine Steele, Wendy Jeffries or Judy Robbinson if you have input or would like to attend. 


ThanksgivingGive thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One; give thanks, because he’s given Jesus Christ, His Son.  And now let the weak say ‘I am strong’, let the poor say ‘I am rich’, because of what the Lord has done for us.  Give thanks…

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

– 1 Thess.  5:18

Music Ministry:

            Once again this year, Jubilee will be hosting a Community Christmas Concert.  The date is set for December 10th.  Official Practices for the concert begin on October 11th, weekly until the Sunday of the concert.  These practices, starting soon, will coincide with the current weekly hymn sing and choir practice taking place on Wednesday evenings.  All are welcome to attend and new voices are always welcome!  Contact Jenny for more information!


East Nottawasaga Cemetery

            With thanks to the Session and Board of Managers, (and a shout out to Dwight Kers), we are pleased to report that the bench designed in honour of the worshipping community that once made up East Nottawasaga Church, has been put in place and it looks great.  We give thanks again, to the designer, Dee Ayotte with conceptual input from Colleen McNiven, Elaine Steele and the Session of Jubilee.  The bench sits in the cemetery at the place where the entryway of the church was located and is secured on a concrete pad.