Jubilee Presbyterian, Stayner

Contact Us


Rev. Darren May

Darren has been with the congregation since May of 2006 and is happily married to Monica.  He is the proud father of two sons, Nigel and Josh. 

Music Director:
Jenny Kers

Jenny joined us in March of 2022 along with her husband Dwight and two children Suzie and Stuart.  Jenny brings with her a love for music, Jesus and gifts on piano and vocals.  

Jane Lack

Jane joined us in June of 2022 and we are pleased to share her and her skills with the Evangelical Missionary Church in Stayner.  

Larry Poser

Larry has been with us since the eighties.  He and his wife Jane live in Moonstone.  

Questions? Prayer?
We are Here for you...

Contact Info


7320 Hwy 26, Stayner, ON L0M 1S0

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In an age when the institution of marriage is less and less significant, as co-habitation without commitment is on the rise, we want to encourage couples to come and see what it means to live together within the bonds of marriage, before one another and before the God who gave us the gift of marriage.  


The church hall is our meeting and gathering space.  (Kitchen is  attached.)  We are on occasion asked about renting our space…The church hall is available to rent for a private family functions, community groups or organizations.